"Rosis" - Oil and acrylics on canvas. 12/2024


“Maglizh” - oil on linen canvas. 24/06/2021 (80/60cm.)
- I recently traveled back to Bulgaria, and spent time having long walks in our beautiful mountains. Summer was coming! The scent of the clear air and endless trees just fascinated me. There was so much atmosphere and landscapes to admire, so many places that I dearly missed for so long. I want to share that beauty with people to see, and hopefully they would feel what I felt at that moment!

“Power” - oil on linen canvas. 05/2021 (80/60cm.)
-how even the smallest things could overpower the biggest, in a delicate, yet strong manner. A metaphor for the important things which often seem meaningless.

“Home” - oil on linen canvas. 2020 (100/60cm.)
Life in solitude could honour the creativity of the mind and build resilience. not in exile, but rather peace with oneself and their surroundings. having that place to go to, spending time rebuilding as a person.

“Spring” - oil on canvas. 10/03/2021 (50/50cm.)
-the trees blooming, the small soft flowers dancing with the light wind on a background of infinite blue skies. A refreshing air of the upcoming spring gave me the inspiration for this piece. It was a gift for my sister and her husband to be for their anniversary.

“Autumn” - oil on linen canvas. 02/2021 (100/70cm.)
- I believe there is life and future, therefore I painted this illustrative image, in celebration of life that changes, it dies so it could nurture and rebuild.

“Twisted” - oil on linen canvas. 09/06/2021 (80/60cm.)
- I painted the spring, the upcoming summer and all moods that come with it. Rich tones of king's blue skies and bright pink.
Slightly twisted reality.

“Sunset in Brighton” - oil on canvas. 02/07/2021 (70/50cm.)
- I discovered a song written by a very talented artist, who shared a friend's story that happened around the city of Brighton. This story makes you reconsider, and teaches a valuable lesson. It is a photo we took when visiting Brighton in the summer. having my own memory from a trip, trying to express all those feelings within! It still makes my soul tremble and picture the sunset that calms all worries and leaves us speechless.

“Socks” - oil on linen canvas. 03/04/2019 (100/60cm.)
- one morning on the train I saw a very business-like gentleman's socks which were extremely colourful, wondering how would they look washed and stretched out, not giving the impression that they were worn by such a person...

“Butterfly seashells” - mixed media - resin, acrylics, seashells, black sand on a 3d wooden panel. 25/07/2019 (61/46cm.)
-I made this abstract resin work after a trip to the Bulgarian Black Sea with materials collected from the beach there.

“Laundry” - oil on linen canvas. 06/05/2018 (100/60cm.)
- This one here is kind of a domestic mess illustrating a simple moment of everyone's life, also translated as- “Who is gonna do the laundry?”

"Tossa del Mar"- Spain. Oil on linen canvas. (24/18cm)
- For all the warm, bright colours that summer brings to our souls. For the moods that come with the sunny days spent in peace and enjoyment!

"Shrimps at San Pol" - OIl on linen canvas.(40/50cm)
- One cannot have such lunch everyday!

"Tossa del Mar camper" - Watercolours and inks on paper. Framed. (33/33cm)
- When a memory is so vivid and connected to good memories, that you cannot just forget about it, or just pass by it and ignore it without spending the time to recreate these memories.